To all who come across this blog today or whenever the Lord leads, I ask that you be my journal and maybe in reading this, you can be blessed, encouraged, and uplifted.
Dear Journal,
I'm writing just to share some of the challenges that have come into my life as a result of being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. This past year has been such a maturing process for me, not only in my marriage or in the area of parenting, but ultimately within myself. God has given me the grace to overcome obstacle after obstacle and I give Him all the glory for making it as far as I have. With all that said, I still have to build and maintain strength within myself spiritually to be able to take charge when need be.
In being a wife, it can definitely be a challenge to prioritize and maintain Godly order. Of course above all, your first priority should be God, then your spouse, and then your kids. Most people have a hard time keeping those in line. I admit I have been one of them. At times I find that I tend to forget all about my husband and focus mainly on my children and their needs when in reality, my husband is the glue that holds it all together. He is who God has anointed to cover my family and lead my household. He is the strength that God gives me to make it through each day and when he's not with me, I feel like I'm not operating at my best. Where I am weak he is strong and visa versa. There have been times where God had to reiterate to me that I wasn’t taking the time out for Him that I should all the while reminding me that I have a husband to take care of and although at that moment, I question if I can do it all, God seems to give me enough strength to jump over each and every new hurdle that crosses the track of my life.
Along with all that, being a mother is a job in and of itself and with changing loaded diapers, sweeping up crumbs, wiping faces and hands, cleaning up spilled milk (literally), changing underwear after a mid-night accident, and answering to "Mommy!" a thousand times a day, it can become very overwhelming. I have learned that there are moms who have an anointing to carry such a large load stress free and there are some who need extra help as well as extra "me" time. That describes me to a “T”! I HAVE to take time for myself daily to talk to the Lord and just spend time focusing on me. Without that, I feel as though I am unable to function.
Oh, and my parents, I love my parents so much. I am so proud of what they have accomplished together and individually and I am so grateful to have the relationship that I have with each of them. God could not have given me better parents. I talk to at least one of them everyday and I couldn’t picture it any other way, but I do struggle with my relationships with them at times as well. Their opinions matter so much to me, but our views about some things are a tad bit different and that’s okay. I still have to and will honor them as my mother and father because that is what I am commanded to do as their daughter. It’s funny because when I need extras sometimes, I pull from each of them. When I need that extra push to walk in love in certain situations or when people treat me in a way that I like to “believe” they did not mean, I pull on my dad because he encourages me to love those who mistreat me and doing so, God goes to war for me. Now, when I need that extra punch of courage to voice my opinion and stand for what is right in certain situations, I pull on my mom because she encourages me to be bold and not to worry about what others think if it will put the devil in his place.
I’ve gone through some training when it comes to being a sister. It is one position that I have definitely had to learn to fill because of my spending most of my life as an only child. Thank God for my sisters or even those that may not be related but seem as though no one could be closer. My sisters are awesome and I thank God for them. They are such great women of God and much needed shoulders to lean on when I’m swaying. They speak the truth in love, give godly wisdom and have my best interest at heart. I love that they can give me constructive criticism when I need it. It may hurt at times, but I know it’s for my making and not my breaking. I am so blessed to have them as some of my best friends.
Now maintaining friendships has been a job and as a Christian it is even harder because we are ultimately brothers and sisters in the Lord and are commanded to walk in love and in unity. I have had my share of confrontations, humiliations, and reconciliations and I thank God for the end result. I have great Godly friendships based on Agape (Godly) love and it’s awesome. I have people surrounding me that are trustworthy, have respect for me and my family, and are there whenever any of us need anything. We are able to speak into each others lives and really be led by the spirit without any offense being taken or fear of what the other thinks. They are just so awesome and I am able to finally be at peace knowing that even if problems arise, they can be overcome.
In closing, I couldn’t ask for a better husband, better children, better parents, better sisters and brothers, and better friends. God is amazing and will provide any one or any thing that you need to make it through. His word says that “in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths” (Prov. 3:6). It also says to seek His kingdom and righteousness first and all these things will be added unto you (Matt. 6:33) and to love other like you love yourself (Matt. 19:19) because the greatest gift He has given us is love. So strive to live a life pleasing in His sight and that’s where you will find the true happiness that you deserve!!
LynleighBible references taken from using the New King James Version