Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Chapters

So this past week has been eventful. Let's see....A good friend of mine is getting married next week so I got to participate in her bridal shower/bachelorette party at Red Lobster. That was fun. I got to meet a few really cool young ladies. It was easy to mingle because the main topics of conversation were marriage and children. Right down my alley. I got to love on some little babies. I love to do that. The two little ones there were so sweet. Such their own little "stick my hands in mash potatoes and clap my hands" kinda way. LOL!

It's so awesome to see those that you love and care about starting new chapters in their lives. It's also good to be able to pour into others the knowledge and wisdom you've gained from experience. I love to do that with those that I know aren't serving the Lord because it is a great opportunity to witness by sharing what God did in my life and for my family. He is just so awesome. I can't even begin to describe all the things that He's done for me.

Well, I got to get up with another friend who I haven't really talked to in so long and that was wonderful! We got to reminisce on some things and share some things and it was just a time of refreshing. I just thank God for so many great relationships.

Jason and I are still praying for his position here at this base. They are doing away with the aircraft that he currently works on so we may be leaving. The desire of our heart is to stay here and continue to be equipped to fulfill the destiny that God has for us, but ultimately we ask that God's will be done in the situation. If it is in His will for us to stay, we pray that He give us the wisdom necessary to allow every door possible to be open for us to stay. If it isn't in His will, we ask that he give us peace about leaving. For those reading, keep us in your prayers. This is life the way I know it.....Lynleigh

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dear Journal,

Have you ever known someone who is always dressed well with hair and nails taken care of, but who's children look a mess? I have and it just saddens me.

As a parent, I desire for my children to look their best, act their best and be the best they can be with a spirit of excellence about them. I desire for them to know the things of God and live a lifestyle pleasing to him. It is part of my responsibility as a parent to train them up in the love and admonition of the Lord. I have been around some people who's children look a mess while they make sure they look their best and that's sad and disappointing. I want my children to always look well taken care of and if that means them wearing better looking clothes than me, so be it because they are a reflection of who I am and who my husband is. My children will speak well, look neat, be well mannered, and be obedient. There is no question about that.

The bible says that children are a blessing from the Lord and we should take care of those things that God has blessed us with. That includes our children. Now, I do believe that there are times where we have rough days. We all have those. I have had to leave work and get home, fix dinner, feed the kids, get them dressed and be at church within two hours and didn't have time to really DO my daughters hair, but I made sure that she did not look a mess. Julius as been passed due for a hair cut, but I make sure put some grease in his hair and brush it. Whatever we have to do to make sure they look presentable, that's what we do. I take pride in the appearances of my children and will do what I can to make sure they look their best.

I know that no one is perfect and not everyone can afford to buy new clothes for their children all the time. I know I can't, but when I do have a good amount of money and don't have debt or anything of top priority to spend it on, I focus on my children. Walmart,, Children's place, and Carters all have awesome sales on children's clothes all the time. I found two dresses for my daughter a few weeks ago at Walmart for 6 dollars each and shorts and t-shirts for my son for 3 dollars each. That's a steal!!! Even if you have to get a t-shirt every week or every two weeks, it's all good. Of course use wisdom in your spending. Check out the end of season sales. Right now, a lot of stores have things like sweats and sweat shirts on clearance. You can stock up in a size up for your children so they'll be ready for winter. At the end of summer, all the bathing suits and summer clothes will be on sale, so you can stock up for next summer. There are many affordable ways to keep them well dressed and looking great. Do some research.

Well, my prayer today is that we can pay a little bit more attention to our children, that we can train them up in the things of God and that we can do it to the best of our ability whether that means having to work on their appearance, teaching them how to use manners, having them respond with yes sir or yes ma'am, etc. I just pray that we can put ourselves aside and focus on taking care of what God has blessed us with. I love my children unconditionally and I want everything about them to reflect that.

Living life the way I know how........Lynleigh

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dear Journal,

Another weekend down and still facing issue after issue after issue. What to do? I would like to use this blog as a means of sharing what I have experienced or am experiencing in my life in hopes that it encourages or builds up others who may be experiencing the same things.

Have you ever had a really close relationship with someone who you feel you can completely be yourself around? Someone that you feel you can talk to about anything? Someone who you consider family, but as you grow and mature in the Lord, you feel like God is telling you that particular relationship is unhealthy and needs to be cut off? I have and it is one of the hardest things that I have had to go through. I am the type of person who really does not like confrontation, really does not like to express my negative feelings about a person directly to them, and really does not like to be looked at in the negative. The truth of the matter is that there are times where we have to confront, where we have to express our feelings no matter who they hurt (if we do it in love and as being led by the spirit). In doing so, we may look bad, but we can't allow that to effect our joy, peace, or contentment in who we are in Christ. As believers we have to be mindful of those we have relationship with and those we allow ourselves to become familiar with because they will either help us run further toward or away from our destiny.

Well how do we know if they are leading us toward our destiny or further away from it? If you maintain an open relationship between you and the Lord and you allow yourself to be led by His Spirit, you will know because the Spirit will lead and guide you. He will give you the words to say if it comes down to you having to sever all ties with someone or just distance yourself. We really have to be careful though because when the Holy Spirit does let us know that a relationship that we may have is not God's best for us, we have to know that we know how to cut it off without allowing any of our emotions to be involved. How you approach a situation could have an effect on the will of God being manifest at the right time because handling things like that on your own without being accurately led by the Spirit could delay your blessing or delay what God had for you. I believe also that if any relationship you have with someone involves them doing or saying things that don't line up with the will of God and are hindering your walk with the Him, it should be cut off. You never know though, God could just want you to cut off that relationship for a season and may restore it at a later date once some maturity on both sides takes place. Sometimes you just don't know with God and sometimes you just don't understand, but if you're living your life according to the word of God and are being obedient, you should have no problems.

I pray that whoever comes across this particular blog learns from what has been written whether it be because you are going through something similar or because you may need it for the future. I pray that you are led by the Spirit of God in all decision making. I declare that you have the mind of Christ and that no weapon that is formed against you will prosper. I pray that God surround you with Godly friendships that are founded on biblical principles and aren't frienships that would be easily broken by division and strife. I pray that even in relationships where obstacles arise, they will be overcome with love. All this I pray and declare in Jesus' name.

Living life the way I know how...Lynleigh

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Can't get enough T.G.I.F....

This weekend was such a great weekend. We got to spend some much needed time with family and people that we love. Friday was fun. Hadn't had T.G.I.F in a long time. They have a $5 soup and sandwich menu that is soooo good. I fell in love with the Jack Daniels chicken sandwich with a side salad!! UUUGGGHHH! It was good:0P

My oldest brother in law got in town and surprised his girlfriend with a proposal on the beach. We didn't get to see it unfortunately, but we did get to watch their daughter while they were out so we feel honored to have played some part in it (*wink*)

Saturday we started the day off on the beach. The weather here is awesome, but hot! I know based off how it is now, the summer months are going to be serious....LOL! Anyway, we did the beach thing, turned a few shades darker, ate at T.G.I.F. again and headed back to the house to shower and allow the kids to nap and rejuvenate.

My wonderful husband treated me to a much needed pedicure for Mother's day so that's what I did when the kids went to sleep. Once I, my sister in law, and my brother in law's fiance (say that ten times fast) returned from our little shopping extravaganza, we went bowling. The kids did better than most of the adults. We got through one good game, while the kids got through two. After all that we split up. One group came back to the house while the other went to the movies. I'm one of the ones that came straight home, oh boring me. Hey, I had to put my kids in the bed and work on my hair so it could be manageable by this morning.

Service today was awesome as always as we celebrated Mother's day. I met and got to talk to a few people which is always good. Well, I need to get off here and go water the grass before I have to head back out. I'm bout ready to fall asleep if I'm not careful. More to come on life the way I know it here in the near future. Be blessed and if you're reading this and are a mother, Happy Mother's day!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Today...What a day!

Last night I got hit with some unwanted information, but I just prayed and moved on. I believe that God's will will be done within mine and my family's life. I put my full faith and trust in Him and will allow Him to take care of it.

Today was a long day. I went to work and had a blast as usual with everyone at the office. People think that those who work in churches don't do anything or don't know stress.....HA! We had so much to do before the end of the day and some people still had to go back this evening to finish up...LOL! I had to call some really important city officials today and to be honest, I was a little nervous and hoping that I didn't stutter, sound boring, talk too much, or too long, or just completely mess up while on the phone with any of them or their assistants. Well, I did stutter on one call, but she laughed with me so that was cool. Did I say it was a long day?

My brother in law, his girlfriend, and daughter all got in town today. We went to the beach, saw two stingrays, grabbed the kids up (lol) and headed out, had dinner at T.G.I.F., and hung out at Pier Park. What fun! Can't wait because we're going back to the beach first thing in the morning. The kids are going to have a blast. Julius and Tyria loved it.

On the way home Elissa fell asleep, Julius talked to me for a little while about what we're going to do tomorrow and all of a sudden I look back and he's knocked out!! LOL! I was wondering why he wasn't answering my question. Came home and saw another big spider in the house. Not too keen on those at all. Thinking about calling to have pest control come out sometime before the real intense summer months so we can get rid of some creatures before they even call themselves trying to settle down in this house. Well, I think it's about time for a shower and some relaxation time so I'll get back with you all to let you in on more of my life the way I know it.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dear Journal,

I wanted to start off fresh at the beginning of this week, but the Lord placed on my heart the last journal entry I posted so here is how the week started:

Sunday was awesome! Being in the house of the Lord is always good. You get to get fed and nurtured. It was a busy day though to start off. We were up and at 'em bright and early, but still almost ran late. It can be rough trying to get ready while chasing and trying to feed two kids, ironing last minute wardrobe changes and getting everyone dressed and out the door. Thank God when you're out the house and on the road! LOL!!

So while I'm on the way to work Tuesday I prayed to get energized and charged up, but kept getting distracted by my all so wonderfully malfunctioning CD Changer. It would not play any of my worship music and kept blinking "CD CHANGER ERROR" across the screen. So I did what I knew to do in the midst of keeping my peace, I laid hands on the CD! Hey, nothing is too big or too small for God! My CD Changer had been doing that for two days and do you know that as soon as I got in my car to leave for lunch, something in the CD Changer shifted and it started working!!!! Praise the Lord! For His mercy endures forever!

I ate at Beef O'Brady's for the first time and shared my lunchtime with an awesome friend and woman of God! It's funny because while I was praying that morning I asked God about a few life changing decisions that are coming to the forefront and He used that friend I ate with to answer every single question. It's amazing how God uses people to get through to you. He is so smooth.

Well, Wednesday was marvelous as well! I did what I needed to prepare the information booth for service and I chatted with a few of my favorite people. I love to be surrounded by those who genuinely love you and don't say what they think you want to hear at the moment. I got a little singing instruction and guidance prior to praise and worship and went up to sing praying that I didn't sing off pitch. How nervous I was! But, I guess I did an alright job because no one seemed to flinch from what I could see.

Today was great. Work was steady and good conversation took place as always. Just finding my place in the midst of it all. Well, the night is still young and I still have one child to help wind down and get ready for bed so Ta Ta for now and I will be back tomorrow for another interesting post about life the way I know it.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Whoever has ears to hear....

To all who come across this blog today or whenever the Lord leads, I ask that you be my journal and maybe in reading this, you can be blessed, encouraged, and uplifted.

Dear Journal,

I'm writing just to share some of the challenges that have come into my life as a result of being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. This past year has been such a maturing process for me, not only in my marriage or in the area of parenting, but ultimately within myself. God has given me the grace to overcome obstacle after obstacle and I give Him all the glory for making it as far as I have. With all that said, I still have to build and maintain strength within myself spiritually to be able to take charge when need be.

In being a wife, it can definitely be a challenge to prioritize and maintain Godly order. Of course above all, your first priority should be God, then your spouse, and then your kids. Most people have a hard time keeping those in line. I admit I have been one of them. At times I find that I tend to forget all about my husband and focus mainly on my children and their needs when in reality, my husband is the glue that holds it all together. He is who God has anointed to cover my family and lead my household. He is the strength that God gives me to make it through each day and when he's not with me, I feel like I'm not operating at my best. Where I am weak he is strong and visa versa. There have been times where God had to reiterate to me that I wasn’t taking the time out for Him that I should all the while reminding me that I have a husband to take care of and although at that moment, I question if I can do it all, God seems to give me enough strength to jump over each and every new hurdle that crosses the track of my life.

Along with all that, being a mother is a job in and of itself and with changing loaded diapers, sweeping up crumbs, wiping faces and hands, cleaning up spilled milk (literally), changing underwear after a mid-night accident, and answering to "Mommy!" a thousand times a day, it can become very overwhelming. I have learned that there are moms who have an anointing to carry such a large load stress free and there are some who need extra help as well as extra "me" time. That describes me to a “T”! I HAVE to take time for myself daily to talk to the Lord and just spend time focusing on me. Without that, I feel as though I am unable to function.

Oh, and my parents, I love my parents so much. I am so proud of what they have accomplished together and individually and I am so grateful to have the relationship that I have with each of them. God could not have given me better parents. I talk to at least one of them everyday and I couldn’t picture it any other way, but I do struggle with my relationships with them at times as well. Their opinions matter so much to me, but our views about some things are a tad bit different and that’s okay. I still have to and will honor them as my mother and father because that is what I am commanded to do as their daughter. It’s funny because when I need extras sometimes, I pull from each of them. When I need that extra push to walk in love in certain situations or when people treat me in a way that I like to “believe” they did not mean, I pull on my dad because he encourages me to love those who mistreat me and doing so, God goes to war for me. Now, when I need that extra punch of courage to voice my opinion and stand for what is right in certain situations, I pull on my mom because she encourages me to be bold and not to worry about what others think if it will put the devil in his place.

I’ve gone through some training when it comes to being a sister. It is one position that I have definitely had to learn to fill because of my spending most of my life as an only child. Thank God for my sisters or even those that may not be related but seem as though no one could be closer. My sisters are awesome and I thank God for them. They are such great women of God and much needed shoulders to lean on when I’m swaying. They speak the truth in love, give godly wisdom and have my best interest at heart. I love that they can give me constructive criticism when I need it. It may hurt at times, but I know it’s for my making and not my breaking. I am so blessed to have them as some of my best friends.

Now maintaining friendships has been a job and as a Christian it is even harder because we are ultimately brothers and sisters in the Lord and are commanded to walk in love and in unity. I have had my share of confrontations, humiliations, and reconciliations and I thank God for the end result. I have great Godly friendships based on Agape (Godly) love and it’s awesome. I have people surrounding me that are trustworthy, have respect for me and my family, and are there whenever any of us need anything. We are able to speak into each others lives and really be led by the spirit without any offense being taken or fear of what the other thinks. They are just so awesome and I am able to finally be at peace knowing that even if problems arise, they can be overcome.

In closing, I couldn’t ask for a better husband, better children, better parents, better sisters and brothers, and better friends. God is amazing and will provide any one or any thing that you need to make it through. His word says that “in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths” (Prov. 3:6). It also says to seek His kingdom and righteousness first and all these things will be added unto you (Matt. 6:33) and to love other like you love yourself (Matt. 19:19) because the greatest gift He has given us is love. So strive to live a life pleasing in His sight and that’s where you will find the true happiness that you deserve!!


Bible references taken from using the New King James Version