Monday, December 8, 2008

Once again, it's been a while

Well, things have been a little hectic I guess. My family and I have been so busy. My husband and I are assistant youth pastors now. God is good. We have completed a six month Christian financial management program at our church and did awesome. Now, we have so much more insight on our spending habits and just making wiser choices with our finances and God has blessed us for our faithfulness with little and has blessed us with more. He always provides!!! God is awesome!

I have a few new close friends. They are answers to my prayers. I know that these relationships will not be easily broken and/or divided by insignificant stuff or misunderstandings. A spirit of unity and understanding rests on these friendships.

I met an awesome woman of God. Her name is Lindsey Kane. She's a Christian artist out of Texas and I just admire the fact that she isn't caught up in the celebrity of it all. She continues to be her goofy, fun, humble self flaws and all and I love that about her. She is inspired by the Lord to write all her own music and has a beautiful voice. It was an honor to meet her.

This new year is going to be awesome. The year of the "Open door" for my family and I. I can't wait, but I want God to surprise me, which He is faithful to do. I love Him.....He's awesome!! I hope to finish up my Bachelor's this year online. Thank God for the GI BILL!!! I only have 3 months left in completing my degree. Hallelujah! I pray that my voice goes to a whole new level and that I gather up the courage to do a special at my church. Just so many things to do still. Well, be praying for me as the Lord continues to lead me into my destiny. God Bless.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Hey Lynleigh! I didn't know you were in school. I'm happy that everything is looking bright for you and your future ahead.