Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dear Journal,

Another weekend down and still facing issue after issue after issue. What to do? I would like to use this blog as a means of sharing what I have experienced or am experiencing in my life in hopes that it encourages or builds up others who may be experiencing the same things.

Have you ever had a really close relationship with someone who you feel you can completely be yourself around? Someone that you feel you can talk to about anything? Someone who you consider family, but as you grow and mature in the Lord, you feel like God is telling you that particular relationship is unhealthy and needs to be cut off? I have and it is one of the hardest things that I have had to go through. I am the type of person who really does not like confrontation, really does not like to express my negative feelings about a person directly to them, and really does not like to be looked at in the negative. The truth of the matter is that there are times where we have to confront, where we have to express our feelings no matter who they hurt (if we do it in love and as being led by the spirit). In doing so, we may look bad, but we can't allow that to effect our joy, peace, or contentment in who we are in Christ. As believers we have to be mindful of those we have relationship with and those we allow ourselves to become familiar with because they will either help us run further toward or away from our destiny.

Well how do we know if they are leading us toward our destiny or further away from it? If you maintain an open relationship between you and the Lord and you allow yourself to be led by His Spirit, you will know because the Spirit will lead and guide you. He will give you the words to say if it comes down to you having to sever all ties with someone or just distance yourself. We really have to be careful though because when the Holy Spirit does let us know that a relationship that we may have is not God's best for us, we have to know that we know how to cut it off without allowing any of our emotions to be involved. How you approach a situation could have an effect on the will of God being manifest at the right time because handling things like that on your own without being accurately led by the Spirit could delay your blessing or delay what God had for you. I believe also that if any relationship you have with someone involves them doing or saying things that don't line up with the will of God and are hindering your walk with the Him, it should be cut off. You never know though, God could just want you to cut off that relationship for a season and may restore it at a later date once some maturity on both sides takes place. Sometimes you just don't know with God and sometimes you just don't understand, but if you're living your life according to the word of God and are being obedient, you should have no problems.

I pray that whoever comes across this particular blog learns from what has been written whether it be because you are going through something similar or because you may need it for the future. I pray that you are led by the Spirit of God in all decision making. I declare that you have the mind of Christ and that no weapon that is formed against you will prosper. I pray that God surround you with Godly friendships that are founded on biblical principles and aren't frienships that would be easily broken by division and strife. I pray that even in relationships where obstacles arise, they will be overcome with love. All this I pray and declare in Jesus' name.

Living life the way I know how...Lynleigh

1 comment:

Tonya said...

This can be a very difficult thing to deal with, but it's best to do things the way God would have you do them. Who knows, severing that relationship can help you avoid drama in the future.

Thought provoking post!