Monday, May 18, 2009

Dear Journal,

Have you ever known someone who is always dressed well with hair and nails taken care of, but who's children look a mess? I have and it just saddens me.

As a parent, I desire for my children to look their best, act their best and be the best they can be with a spirit of excellence about them. I desire for them to know the things of God and live a lifestyle pleasing to him. It is part of my responsibility as a parent to train them up in the love and admonition of the Lord. I have been around some people who's children look a mess while they make sure they look their best and that's sad and disappointing. I want my children to always look well taken care of and if that means them wearing better looking clothes than me, so be it because they are a reflection of who I am and who my husband is. My children will speak well, look neat, be well mannered, and be obedient. There is no question about that.

The bible says that children are a blessing from the Lord and we should take care of those things that God has blessed us with. That includes our children. Now, I do believe that there are times where we have rough days. We all have those. I have had to leave work and get home, fix dinner, feed the kids, get them dressed and be at church within two hours and didn't have time to really DO my daughters hair, but I made sure that she did not look a mess. Julius as been passed due for a hair cut, but I make sure put some grease in his hair and brush it. Whatever we have to do to make sure they look presentable, that's what we do. I take pride in the appearances of my children and will do what I can to make sure they look their best.

I know that no one is perfect and not everyone can afford to buy new clothes for their children all the time. I know I can't, but when I do have a good amount of money and don't have debt or anything of top priority to spend it on, I focus on my children. Walmart,, Children's place, and Carters all have awesome sales on children's clothes all the time. I found two dresses for my daughter a few weeks ago at Walmart for 6 dollars each and shorts and t-shirts for my son for 3 dollars each. That's a steal!!! Even if you have to get a t-shirt every week or every two weeks, it's all good. Of course use wisdom in your spending. Check out the end of season sales. Right now, a lot of stores have things like sweats and sweat shirts on clearance. You can stock up in a size up for your children so they'll be ready for winter. At the end of summer, all the bathing suits and summer clothes will be on sale, so you can stock up for next summer. There are many affordable ways to keep them well dressed and looking great. Do some research.

Well, my prayer today is that we can pay a little bit more attention to our children, that we can train them up in the things of God and that we can do it to the best of our ability whether that means having to work on their appearance, teaching them how to use manners, having them respond with yes sir or yes ma'am, etc. I just pray that we can put ourselves aside and focus on taking care of what God has blessed us with. I love my children unconditionally and I want everything about them to reflect that.

Living life the way I know how........Lynleigh

1 comment:

Tonya said...

I feel the same way Lynleigh! I hate it when people take their
children out in public any ole kinda way!

I saw a little boy walking down the street in nothing but a diaper!!!!!!!!!! No shoes, shirt, or pants. And of course, the parents were well dressed. I couldn't believe it! We should take care of our children and always make sure that they are presentable. We wouldn't walk out with just a pair of underwear, so why would we do that to our children? I have big issues with that.

You are right, we must take care of the blessing that God gives us in our children.